You cannot post illegal material, doxx, harass users, or post malicious links.
If you can't do it in the United States or Germany, you can't do it here.
Like... please? If you're going to shit post at least put some effort into it. If there is already a thread where your post belongs, use it!
The problem is never the plug; the low effort is the problem. If you're going to post a quality post in the correct thread that includes links to your stuff, I'm very inclined to allow it. But otherwise fuck off.
Do not post things that are intended to disgust people: gore, filth, etc. Use your common sense.
If you're going to do it, keep it relatively classy in the OP thumbnail so people can decide if they want to see it.
Use 🔞 at the start of the title if necessary. Don't post adult content in a thread that isn't about adult content.
Write the OP title and text letting us know what's inside, especially if it's some weird shit.
You might have noticed some threads contain artistic nudity. This doesn't count as adult content.
Use your common sense.
This is a good example thread with adult content.
The best way to be sure is to just reach out to us on the Discord before posting.
If there is actually a demand for something alternative that doesn't belong on the main board, we can figure it out.