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off red light i looove steve jobs the 3/4 shit tickles my brain
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definitely check out the gtbsg comp for some of his best early work from early bladee i love oxygen carwash i will make you bleed bleach dragonfly ghost hands but i love all his shit also exeter is possibly my favorite album oat
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> (this is a test post since I don't know much about image board formatting and pic uploading)
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damn history is more based than what they teach in school i guess
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> Share your favorite inspirational quotes!
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Now, is there a way we can celebrate AIDS month with a red theme and pictures of the HIV virus to raise awareness. We've all been talking in the IRC chan and we all agree that we need to take responsibility for our past. It is a known fact that the members here are collectively responsible for at least 23% of new HIV infections in the years 2019-2022.
When we received word of this, we sprung into action and I'd like to continue this momentum with a kickstarter where we give anime girl figurines to supporters. The bigger the donation, the more obese the lady figurine will be. This will be the case since we know that the heftier the anime figurine, the more sought after it is according to our research.
(this is a test post since I don't know much about image board formatting and pic uploading)
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We learn how it's possible for transients to change their species into an alien. I just read it and even I couldn't explain it to you. Everyone hates the transients. They're holed up in a ghetto, moving around convinced they've seized control but they're just waiting to be slaughtered. Kinda remind me of anarchists from the Spanish Civil War.
Their leader is a douchebag.
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Besides the mountain -> city transition, we also see Spider go from vagabond -> professional.
And one thing I didn't remember at all from when I first read this is the Transients, which is basically trans-species people. I didn't go into this prepared for how similar that is to modern contexts and I'm excited to see what kinda direction it will go.
Most cyberpunk I've seen with commentary about trans-humanism is in regard to becoming a cyborg as you replace your body with machine parts. This is completely different than that and seems more close to real, modern life than anything else I've seen so far.
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There are some unique themes that seem like they could be commentary about today despite being written back in 1997.
He's an ex-journalist who has to go back to work. One of the things he was bitter about that made him leave the industry is not being able to get at the truth anymore, which is such a prophetic thing in the current era where journalism is basically 100% dead.
I love the part where he is so stuck in traffic that he just abandons the car and everything in it.
Also shout outs to the guy hooked up to an IV bag of drugs on the street corner.
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> Random Thought: Do you think CORS policy is pointless since anyone who wants to circumvent it can configure a CORS proxy?
It's not about stopping people from making arbitrary requests to your site. They don't even need a browser to do that, they can do that with curl just fine. It's about stopping people from making arbitrary requests from a user's browser with the user's credentials.
If a script on evil.com sends a request to gmail.com to download all of the signed-in user's emails, that will be blocked by CORS, because that endpoint is not accessible cross-origin (for hopefully obvious reasons). If a script on evil.com instead kicks off a request to a cors-proxy to try the same thing - literally nobody gives a shit, because the cors proxy doesn't have the user's gmail cookie.
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Let's read the cyberpunk transhumanist comic book series written by Warren Ellis and drawn by Darick Robertson; it was published by DC Comics in 1997–2002.
> In college I stayed the night at these peoples' house after a party and waking up earlier than anyone else, I didn't have much to do except read the first issue of this comic. I remember liking it but I never saw it again and didn't think about it for a long time.
I'm going to be reading here. https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Transmetropolitan
Cross over with the cyberpunk thread maybe? https://goeshard.org/main/0x000003/
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It's pretty annoying when you post a YouTube link and it won't show it without going to YouTube...
but there isn't much we can do about that.
Here is a dog.
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A reply to a thread was posted: 0x00000a
You guys are legends for posting songs on the thread.
It took me a while to get the on.soundcloud.com links to work, but it should work now.
I'm gonna leave that iframe post there so that everyone can see that doesn't work.
I wrote a guide on what you can do in a post and made a /meta/ board so you can practice posting in it https://goeshard.org/meta/
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> this ones a favorite of mine
nah you're good. he said he would fix the links and write a guide on how to embed.
these are some good songs fa sho
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Any URL you post in should automatically link: https://motherfuckingwebsite.com/
Certain links will try to embed. The ones I have working now are:
youtube | soundcloud | bandcamp
I say that they will try to embed because some links have not worked. If your link is not embedding, please show it to me so I can make it work. Other than that, just try to make sure your links look like the ones in the picture.
A reply to a thread was posted: 0x000001
You can click this button right here and it will reply to the post.
> So... what do you think?
It will copy the whole damn post as a quote. But you can delete most of it and keep only the part you want to reply to.
> You can also just add fake news quotes like this. Nobody will stop you.
Try clicking the reply button and you will figure it out.
Oh yeah. If you reply to a post of a registered user, it will send an email notification to the person that made the post telling them that you replied to it.
edit: There is also an edit button that got added for editing text, adding or removing image uploads. You'll only see it if logged in.
A reply to a thread was posted: 0x000001
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> lol im an idiot........
> Ignore my fuck ups (-_-)" These are some of my favorites as well
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A reply to a thread was posted: 0x000005
this ones a favorite of mine
<iframe width="100%" height="300" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/129708871&color=%238cc0c8&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true></iframe><div style="font-size: 10px; color: #cccccc;line-break: anywhere;word-break: normal;overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: Interstate,Lucida Grande,Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Sans,Garuda,Verdana,Tahoma,sans-serif;font-weight: 100;">https://soundcloud.com/gravityboystitle="drain gang">drain gang · https://soundcloud.com/gravityboys/bladee-jewelry-prod-lil-sadtitle="BLADEE - JEWELRY (prod. Lil Sad & Yung Sherman)">BLADEE - JEWELRY (prod. Lil Sad & Yung Sherman)</div>
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Hello. I am an admin of this site. You can tell because of the stars around my name.
Many posts on this board are made by anonymous users, Anon. So if you make a post without registering an account and logging in, that's who you will be. You won't be able to edit or delete anything you post. I mostly have this so that it's easy for a random passerby to try posting on the site. If there are any problematic posts from anons, you can report them on /meta/ or in the Discord.
If you want to have a name that is yours, you can register an account. I recommend not revealing too much personal information if you choose to do this, since this is the Internet. One of the biggest benefits of doing this is that you can post new threads as well as delete and edit your posts. Otherwise you can't. Oh... and posting without doing captchas is nice, too.
The threads and posts on /meta/ will not appear on the front page. I put this here mostly so that people can communicate with me without having to join Discord.
So... What do you think?
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